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It's time to talk about sex.Don't be shy step in and have a seat.
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Interesting facts about sex
When you read this 4000 are having sex.So why don't we have a little talk about a few sex facts,
1. Male sperm can live up to 5 days
Male sperm is surprisingly resilient. Sperm inside a woman’s vagina can live in her cervical mucus or upper genital tract for 3-5 days. Provided the sperm remains alive, it may even be able to fertilise the egg, too. Sperm ejaculated outside the body is less tough – it can survive up to a few hours.
2. Sometimes sex is a matter of life and death
If a female ferret doesn’t mate while she’s in heat, she can die! If she’s unable to find a sex partner and stays in heat too long, her body will start to secrete high levels of estrogen, which causes aplastic anemia – a deadly disease for ferrets.
3. A man produces a mind-boggling amount of sperm
There’s plenty of male sperm to go around. And we mean plenty: One single guy produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet. (Wonder if Ryan Gosling knows this?)
4. Sex can increase your pain threshold
Apparently the Divinyls were right – there is a fine line between pleasure and pain – at least during sex, that is. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, when you’re aroused your pain threshold can increase significantly. It’s even better if you reach the big O – orgasms have been known to block pain by releasing a hormone which elevates your pain threshold.
5. Semen can be used as um, invisible ink
During World War I, members of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) discovered you could use semen as invisible ink. Apparently, it didn’t react with iodine vapour (the main method used to detect invisible ink) and, as a bonus, it was also readily available. They stopped using it once they realised that it began to smell if it wasn’t, uh, fresh. Disturbing, but true!
Sex is big, big business. According to a 2005 study published in Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, more than half of all spending on the internet is estimated to be related to sex. That’s a lot of porn and sex toys.
7. Sperm contains calories!
While spitting or swallowing semen is always a matter of personal preference, if you’re on a diet you may want to reconsider swallowing. Why? There are five calories in a teaspoon of semen.
8. There's a reason why it's hard to pee after sex
After you orgasm, your body releases an anti-diuretic hormone, which explains why you may have trouble urinating directly after sex. Stick with it though – going to the loo after sex helps to prevent urinary tract infections.
9. 10 per cent of babies in Europe are conceived on one particular kind of bed
10. You can increase your bust size by having sex
Ladies, forget push-up bras – just get frisky instead. A woman’s breasts can swell up 25 per cent when she’s aroused. And about one per cent of women are able to orgasm through the stimulation of their breasts and nipples alone.
After such an article i really need to call my girlfriend.See you later guys!
Article source:http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/
Article source:http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/
Our first Bitcoin faucet is live.Grab your free bits.
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Meet Shridhar Chillal the man with the longest fingenails ever!
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Shridhar Chillal, 78, has made it to the the Guinness Book of World Records 2016 as the man with ‘Longest Fingernails on a Single Hand Ever’. He hasn’t cut his nails since 1952 and after 63 years his nails are at a cumulative length of 909.9cm — with the longest being his coiled thumb nail at 197.8cm.
Chillal decided to grow his nails when he was beaten up by their school teacher as a result of breaking the teacher’s long nail. The teacher said that they would never understand the importance of it because they don’t have one. “I took it as a challenge,” said Chillal and then there was no looking back.
In this video uploaded by Guinness World Records a few days ago, he narrates his story sharing all the problems he has had to face because of his long nails — from family censure to the difficulty in finding a job and even a bride. “If the girl agreed, her parents would say I would strangle their daughter’s neck,” he laughed.
But his decision today has got him the recognition he aspired for ever since he started growing his nails. “I wish to preserve them in a museum,” he says.
How to charge your phone using potatos and apples!It's working !Tested method!
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Intrigued Londoners looked on today as a mobile phone was charged by a strange contraption made of 800 apples and potatoes connected with nails and copper wire
Intrigued Londoners looked on today as a smartphone's battery was charged by a strange contraption made of 800 apples and potatoes connected with hundreds of nails and lengths of copper wire.
The art installation was created outside the Westfield shopping centre in Shepherd’s Bush, essentially just a large-scale version of the classroom science experiment where a single potato is used to power a digital clock.
By stringing 800 pieces of fruit and vegetables together with galvanized nails and wire, artist Caleb Charland was able to scale-up the power output so much that it could charge a mobile phone – in this case a Nokia Lumia 930, charged via a wireless mat.
The hand-built circuit created an electrical current of an average 20mA and around six volts.Charland said: “The utter simplicity of this electrical phenomenon has endlessly fascinated me. Many people have had the experience of drawing power from fruit in the classroom, and it never ceases to inspire the imagination of all ages.
“I have never worked with anything on this scale before, and it was a challenge. By creating this large organic charger to power a Lumia 930 device, this work speaks to a common curiosity we all have for how the world works, as well as a global concern for the future of Earth’s energy sources.”
The project was a publicity stunt paid for by Microsoft, which has recently bought handset maker Nokia, and the Carphone Warehouse.
Article source:http://www.telegraph.co.uk
How does it work?
The energy actually originates from the metal connecting the apples and potatoes, rather than the fruits and vegetables themselves. The zinc from the galvanized nails and copper act as electrodes, and the apple or potato acts as an electrolyte. Atoms from the zinc electrode dissolve into the apple or potato as a positively-charged ion (an atom where the number of electrons is not equal to the number of protons), leaving two negatively-charge electrons stranded behind. These electrons pass via the wire connecting the two electrodes in order to join with hydrogen ions from the apple or potato to form hydrogen gas. This flow of electrons is electrical current.Article source:http://www.telegraph.co.uk